26 Caps letters per color pattern
156 files total
Once payment is confirmed you will receive a PDF instruction sheet on how to access files.
You may incorporate these into other digital designs, but they must have other elements with them.Β
π§ππ₯π π¦ π’π π¨π¦π:
- You may use these alpha letters to create your own custom designs for digital or physical products
- You may not change any hue or saturation of my alphas.
- You may not claim these alphas as your own.
- You may not resell my alphas as Is.
- You may not share these alphas with anyone.
- You may not add individual alpha letters or OTF fonts to gang sheet builders.
- You may not convert my alpha letters into OTF typeable fonts.
All copyrights belong to Olive Soul LLC/Soul Word Designs by Olive Soul.
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